Now at the age 17, Jorge has competed in multiple National Tournaments and has come away with titles at the Junior Golden Gloves, Junior Olympics and the USA Quaifier!
Which has been your proudest accomplishment? we asked. "Probably the Junior Olympics," Jorge replied, "...because that's when I started taking boxing more seriously and that's when I started cutting weight." Boxing is a very demanding sport in many ways including making weight and just showing up ready to go, consistently. Jorge admits that those aspects are challenging for him at times but with his goals firmly on his mind he has been able to not only overcome but excel against the Nation's best and into the US National rankings.
Moving forward, Jorge continues to work hard to be able to win at the USA Nationals and earn the opportunity to travel and compete internationally as an amateur. Then he will put all his focus into becoming a world champion in the Pro ranks.
Good luck in your journey Jorge!